Monday, April 6, 2015

My ideas of Oranges are Not the Only Fruit by chapters:

*Writing my first post on the book we just finished reading* Part 1

Chapter One -
We meet Janette and her mother and we see that they have a extremely close relationship that she does not have with her dad (we barley see him in the book). There is a lesbian couple the Janette is fond of, but it not allowed to be around. As a reader we see the reason why Janette was adopted: to be missionary child whom she could train to be a servant of God. Her mother made Janette's fate without her even being able to walk yet. The fairy tales relates to Janette and her mother by Janette being the princess that takes over for the hunchback women, her mother.
Her mother want her to change the world, but it seems like she wants her to save it like she is Jesus or something. Her mother is very straight with religion and it seems like Janette is heading down the same path, as she gets older  but it changes when she needs to go to school.

Chapter two -
In the beginning of this chapter Jeanette's mother hears the radio broadcasts an account of the family life of snails and her mother calls it  abomination. Im glad that Janette doesn't agree with her mother, it tells us that she doesn't agree with everything her mother does and agrees its overreacting. Her "overreacting" was not the first time" since her mother had believed her losing her hearing was talking to god. So her mother never took her to the doctor and she went without hearing until Miss.Jewsbury took her.
Pierre was a old flame the Janette's mother thought was love. It was a story where Janette's mother thought she had feeling for a man in France, but turns out she was just sick. That story was support to be a learn for Janette what you like can be love can just be a sickness. I don't think Janette's mother believes in love, I don't think she loves her husband and I think that she believes in getting married, love god while following the bible and have children or in her case raise.
For the picture of the women I think she did have a relationship with a women since there was a picture in "old flames" and to me a women who is against gays would react worse. She would have told Janette to never go in the story owned by lesbians from the beginning and she would never see Janette when she got older. Her mother is probably ok with gay, maybe one of them, but keeps it in because the bible says no.
We see Jeannette at school and she is so smart and most like a adult then the other kids and even her teacher. I hate how everyone brings her down at school for doing so good.

Chapter three-
I find it hilarious that Janette's mother hears the neighbors might be having sex and she goes crazy. It is like a funny skit, it is bad when a person hears sex but even whose when someone reacts to it. It goes becomes weird when all three women sing a hymn for the benefit of next door.
The fairy tale of the prince look for a wife is telling the story of her and her mother. How her mother is trying to make create Janette the creation for the name of god and she is becoming great but not in her eyes similar to the book the prince got, Frankenstein.

1 comment:

  1. These are great comments. I think it helps to have a kind of running summary, chapter-by-chapter as you read through a novel. I especially like your remarks on Chapter Three where you get a taste of the humor of the book. It is a bleak book on one hand, but also a very funny one as well. I think that humor is part of how the story can be told: it is to hard to render it in a strictly realist mode.
