if I may share My thoughts so far...
Having read the book (n not really liking it too much-for all of those interruptions mentioned)
I was doing some research to back up my hypothesis that the tongues language discussed in class and on the blog is a form of trance induced (by/and or ) hypnosis used in a spiritual setting ... (it would be an interesting analysis having experienced something of the sort myself in my late teens and recently on a retreat in Connecticut - let's discuss some more )
I was doing some research to back up my hypothesis that the tongues language discussed in class and on the blog is a form of trance induced (by/and or ) hypnosis used in a spiritual setting ... (it would be an interesting analysis having experienced something of the sort myself in my late teens and recently on a retreat in Connecticut - let's discuss some more )
Also, I was contemplating comparing both authors Michael Warner and Jeanette Winterson ; their devout religious upbringing and the connection between their expression (via language = spoken and written English and or tongues) of their mental and spiritual status. the process of self identification and transitions experienced of an LGBTQ coming out of the closet as compared to leaving religious beliefs/culture and how it comes as a full circle for mental closure.
Just some thoughts...
I think both Warner and Winterson share a similar approach to their background: they have transcended it, but not denied it. They are not repressing it, putting it away to never mention again, completely and utterly rejecting everything about it and anything similar to it. Instead, they seem to both have found a way to use it, or parts of it, for their own purposes. While from the perspective of Mrs. Winterson or the pentacostals Warner grew up with, these two are completely beyond the pale and lost, Warner and Winterson seem more open to finding moments of continuity between their past current selves, able to see where their experiences taught them useful and necessary lessons (though not the lessons they were supposed to be learning).